Hi Jean-Daniel

Again thanks for the quick reply and for the env detail I'll get to it.

Of course select count (*) is not what I want to optimize.
My more regular queries will have an Hbase schema designed for them using the
rowkeys and potentially column families etc...
I'm guessing Hive uses the rowkey hash aspect when in the sql query.

My question on a more general note. When querying hbase through hive on tables
that have not been designed specifically with that typeof query in mind I wanted
to keep query time low. I'm trying to get a feel of when I should make table
with a thought out rowkey, family etc.. and to what extent I can have a decent
query time on more exotic queries.

I am trying to decide If I make several tables on a dataset for the very common
queries and for other more rare queries If Hive can give me good resolve time or
If I should use to extract a good view to feed to other querying systems, like
big query or Mysql or anything.

If have read http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#performance but off course as
implement I get a better understanding and I need reread all documentation

Thanks for your time and answers

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