
We are running a stress test in our 5 node cluster and we are getting the 
expected mean latency of 10ms. But we are seeing around 20 reads out of 25 
million reads having latency more than 4 seconds. Can anyone provide the 
insight what we can do to meet below second SLA for each and every read?

We observe the following things - 

1. Reads are evenly distributed among 5 nodes.  CPUs remain under 5% utilized. 

2. We have 4gb block cache (30% block cache out of 12gb) setup. 3gb block cache 
got filled up but around 1gb remained free. There are a large number of cache 

Questions to experts -

1. If there are still 1gb of free block cache available, why is hbase evicting 
the block from cache? 

4. We are seeing memory went up to 10gb three times before dropping sharply to 

Any help is highly appreciable,


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