Thanks Kiru,

Scan is not an option for our use cases.  Our read is pretty random.

Any other suggestion to bring down the latency.   


On Aug 28, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Kiru Pakkirisamy <> wrote:

> Saurabh, we are able to 600K rowxcolumns in 400 msec. We have put what was a 
> 40million row table as 400K rows and columns. We Get about 100 of the rows 
> from this 400K , do quite a bit of calculations in the coprocessor (almost a 
> group-order by) and return in this time.
> Maybe should consider replacing the MultiGets with Scan with Filter. I like 
> the FuzzyRowFilter even though you might need to match with exact key. It 
> works only with fixed length key.
> (I do have an issue right now, it is not scaling to multiple clients.)
> Regards,
> - kiru
> Kiru Pakkirisamy |
> ________________________________
> From: Saurabh Yahoo <>
> To: "" <> 
> Cc: "" <> 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 3:20 PM
> Subject: Re: experiencing high latency for few reads in HBase 
> Thanks Kitu. We need less than 1 sec latency.  
> We are using both muliGet and get. 
> We have three concurrent clients running 10 threads each. ( that makes total 
> 30 concurrent clients).
> Thanks,
> Saurabh.  
> On Aug 28, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Kiru Pakkirisamy <> 
> wrote:
>> Right 4 sec is good.  
>> @Saurabh - so your read is - getting 20 out of 25 millions rows ?. Is this a 
>> Get or a Scan ?
>> BTW, in this stress test how many concurrent clients do you have ? 
>> Regards,
>> - kiru
>> ________________________________
>> From: Vladimir Rodionov <>
>> To: "" <> 
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 12:15 PM
>> Subject: RE: experiencing high latency for few reads in HBase 
>> 1. 4 sec max latency is not that bad taking into account 12GB heap.  It can 
>> be much larger. What is your SLA?
>> 2. Block evictions is the result of a poor cache hit rate and the root cause 
>> of a periodic stop-the-world GC pauses (max latencies
>>      latencies you have been observing in the test)
>> 3. Block cache consists of 3 parts (25% young generation, 50% - tenured, 25% 
>> - permanent). Permanent part is for CF with
>> IN_MEMORY = true (you can specify this when you create CF).  Block first 
>> stored in 'young gen' space, then gets promoted to 'tenured gen' space
>> (or gets evicted). May be your 'perm gen' space is underutilized? This is 
>> exact 25% of 4GB (1GB). Although HBase LruBlockCache should use all the 
>> space allocated for block cache -
>> there is no guarantee (as usual). If you don have in_memory column families 
>> you may decrease
>> Best regards,
>> Vladimir Rodionov
>> Principal Platform Engineer
>> Carrier IQ,
>> e-mail:
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Saurabh Yahoo []
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 5:10 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: experiencing high latency for few reads in HBase
>> Hi,
>> We are running a stress test in our 5 node cluster and we are getting the 
>> expected mean latency of 10ms. But we are seeing around 20 reads out of 25 
>> million reads having latency more than 4 seconds. Can anyone provide the 
>> insight what we can do to meet below second SLA for each and every read?
>> We observe the following things -
>> 1. Reads are evenly distributed among 5 nodes.  CPUs remain under 5% 
>> utilized.
>> 2. We have 4gb block cache (30% block cache out of 12gb) setup. 3gb block 
>> cache got filled up but around 1gb remained free. There are a large number 
>> of cache eviction.
>> Questions to experts -
>> 1. If there are still 1gb of free block cache available, why is hbase 
>> evicting the block from cache?
>> 4. We are seeing memory went up to 10gb three times before dropping sharply 
>> to 5gb.
>> Any help is highly appreciable,
>> Thanks,
>> Saurabh.
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>> the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent or 
>> designee of the intended recipient, please note that any review, use, 
>> disclosure or distribution of this message or its attachments, in any form, 
>> is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please 
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