Am 31.07.2014 um 18:08 schrieb Ted Yu:
> What's the read / write mix in your workload ?
I would think around

1 put to 2-5 reads for the "hdfs files" (estimated)


1 put to hundreds of reads in the hbase table

So in short form:

= for the files
* number of puts ~ gets
* "small" number of puts and gets
* "small" number of files
* "large" amount of disk space

= for the rows
* number of puts << gets
* "large" number of gets (and puts)
* "large" number of rows (and rows*columns)
* "small" amount of disk space

Small and large are in '"' because large and small are only understood
in comparison to the other task.

So, basically, this are two completely different tasks. This is the
origin of my question.

> Have you looked at HBASE-10070 'HBase read high-availability using
> timeline-consistent region replicas' (phase 1 has been merged for the
> upcoming 1.0 release) ?
No. But I look now ;).

Best wishes and thanks for the reply


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