Same for me, I had faced similar issues especially on my virtual machines
since I would restart them more often than my host machine.

Moving ZK from /tmp which could get cleared on reboots fixed the issue for


On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 10:39 PM, Lars George <> wrote:

> I noticed similar ZK related issues but those went away after changing the
> ZK directory to a permanent directory along with the HBase root directory.
> Both point now to a location in my home folder and restarts work fine now.
> Not much help but wanted to at least state that.
> Lars
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On 18 May 2015, at 05:55, tsuna <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > For testing on my laptop (OSX with JDK 1.7.0_45) I usually build the
> > latest version from branch-1.0 and use the following config:
> >
> > <configuration>
> > <property>
> >  <name>hbase.rootdir</name>
> >  <value>file:///tmp/hbase-${}</value>
> > </property>
> > <property>
> >  <name></name>
> >  <value>true</value>
> > </property>
> > <property>
> >  <name>zookeeper.session.timeout</name>
> >  <value>300000</value>
> > </property>
> > <property>
> >  <name></name>
> >  <value>2000000</value>
> > </property>
> >  <property>
> >    <name>hbase.zookeeper.dns.interface</name>
> >    <value>lo0</value>
> >  </property>
> >  <property>
> >    <name>hbase.regionserver.dns.interface</name>
> >    <value>lo0</value>
> >  </property>
> >  <property>
> >    <name>hbase.master.dns.interface</name>
> >    <value>lo0</value>
> >  </property>
> > </configuration>
> >
> > Since at least a month ago (perhaps longer, I don’t remember exactly)
> > I can’t restart HBase.  The very first time it starts up fine, but
> > subsequent startup attempts all fail with:
> >
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,024 INFO  [RpcServer.responder] ipc.RpcServer:
> > RpcServer.responder: starting
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,024 INFO  [RpcServer.listener,port=49809]
> > ipc.RpcServer: RpcServer.listener,port=49809: starting
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,029 INFO  [main] http.HttpRequestLog: Http request
> > log for http.requests.regionserver is not defined
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,030 INFO  [main] http.HttpServer: Added global
> > filter 'safety'
> > (class=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.http.HttpServer$QuotingInputFilter)
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,031 INFO  [main] http.HttpServer: Added filter
> > static_user_filter
> >
> (class=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter$StaticUserFilter)
> > to context regionserver
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,031 INFO  [main] http.HttpServer: Added filter
> > static_user_filter
> >
> (class=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter$StaticUserFilter)
> > to context static
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,031 INFO  [main] http.HttpServer: Added filter
> > static_user_filter
> >
> (class=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.http.lib.StaticUserWebFilter$StaticUserFilter)
> > to context logs
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,033 INFO  [main] http.HttpServer: Jetty bound to
> port 49811
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,033 INFO  [main] mortbay.log: jetty-6.1.26
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,157 INFO  [main] mortbay.log: Started
> > SelectChannelConnector@
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,222 INFO  [M:0;localhost:49807]
> > zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper: Process
> > identifier=hconnection-0x4f708099 connecting to ZooKeeper
> > ensemble=localhost:2181
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,222 INFO  [M:0;localhost:49807]
> > zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection,
> > connectString=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=10000
> > watcher=hconnection-0x4f7080990x0, quorum=localhost:2181,
> > baseZNode=/hbase
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,223 INFO
> > [M:0;localhost:49807-SendThread(localhost:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:
> > Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not
> > attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,223 INFO
> > [M:0;localhost:49807-SendThread(localhost:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:
> > Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating
> > session
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,223 INFO
> > [NIOServerCxn.Factory:]
> > server.NIOServerCnxnFactory: Accepted socket connection from
> > /
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,223 INFO
> > [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] server.ZooKeeperServer:
> > Client attempting to establish new session at /
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,224 INFO  [SyncThread:0] server.ZooKeeperServer:
> > Established session 0x14d651aaec00002 with negotiated timeout 4000000
> > for client /
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,224 INFO
> > [M:0;localhost:49807-SendThread(localhost:2181)] zookeeper.ClientCnxn:
> > Session establishment complete on server localhost/,
> > sessionid = 0x14d651aaec00002, negotiated timeout = 4000000
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:19,249 INFO  [M:0;localhost:49807]
> > regionserver.HRegionServer: ClusterId :
> > 6ad7eddd-2886-4ff0-b377-a2ff42c8632f
> > 2015-05-17 20:39:49,208 ERROR [main] master.HMasterCommandLine: Master
> exiting
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: Master not active after 30 seconds
> >        at
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.JVMClusterUtil.startup(
> >        at
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.LocalHBaseCluster.startup(
> >        at
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMasterCommandLine.startMaster(
> >        at
> >        at
> >        at
> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.ServerCommandLine.doMain(
> >        at org.apache.hadoop.hbase.master.HMaster.main(
> >
> >
> > I noticed that this has something to do with the ZooKeeper data.  If I
> > rm -rf $TMPDIR/hbase-tsuna/zookeeper then I can start HBase again.
> > But of course HBase won’t work properly because while some tables
> > exist on the filesystem, they no longer exist in ZK, etc.
> >
> > Does anybody know what could be left behind in ZK that could make it
> > hang during startup?  I looked at a jstack output while it was paused
> > during 30s and didn’t find anything noteworthy.
> >
> > --
> > Benoit "tsuna" Sigoure

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