
So that regardless of your hadoop settings, if you want something faster, you 
can use one thread for a timer and then the request is in another. So if you 
hit your timeout before you get a response, you can stop your thread. 
(YMMV depending on side effects… ) 

> On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:55 AM, PRANEESH KUMAR <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have got the Connection object with default configuration, if the
> zookeeper or HMaster or Region server is down, the client didn't fast fail
> and it took almost 20 mins to thrown an error.
> What is the best configuration to make the client fast fail.
> Also what is significance of changing the following parameters.
> hbase.client.retries.number
> zookeeper.recovery.retry
> zookeeper.session.timeout
> zookeeper.recovery.retry.intervalmill
> hbase.rpc.timeout
> Regards,
> Praneesh

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