bq. the assignment is not always preserved

Can you provide more information on this scenario ?
Master should have retained region assignment across cluster restart.

If you can pastebin relevant portion of master log w.r.t. the region(s)
whose location was not retained, that would be nice.


On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:37 AM, Ricardo Manuel Pereira Vilaça <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using HBase 0.98.6 and Hadoop 2.5.0 - CDH 5.3.5.
> We have some doubts regarding region assignment.
> We do manual region splits/and merges and also assignment of regions to
> regionservers.
> Is any way to ensure that the assignment remains after a full restart of
> the cluster? How?
> We did some experiments with hbase.master.wait.on.regionservers.mintostart
> set to the total number of region
> servers but the assignment is not always preserved.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ricardo Vilaça

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