Can you provide us more information:
Release of HBase you use
Configuration change you made prior to restarting 
By 'compaction is gone', do you mean that locality became poor again ?

Can you pastebin region server log when compaction got stuck ?


Saturday, July 25, 2015, 2:20 AM +0800 from apratim sharma  
>I have a hbase table with with a wide row almost 2K columns per row. Each
>KV size is approx 2.1KB
>I have populated this table with generated hfiles using a MR job.
>There are no write or mutate operations performed on this table.
>So Once I am done with major compaction on this table, ideally we should
>not require another major or minor compaction if table is not modified.
>What I observe is that if I make some configuration change that need to
>restart my hbase service, then after restart my compaction on the table is
>And if I start major compaction on the table again, It takes again a long
>to compact the table.
>Is this expected behavior? I am curious what causes the major compaction to
>take a long time if nothing has changed on the table.
>I would really appreciate any help.

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