bq. data is distributed on node servers,

Data is on hdfs, i.e. the Data Nodes.

bq. it gets propagated to all data nodes,

If I understand correctly, the -du command queries namenode.

bq. Is this size compressed or uncompressed?

Can you show us the table description (output of describe command in hbase
shell) ?

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 8:38 AM, marjana <> wrote:

> Thanks all on your replies.
> This is clustered env, with 2 master nodes and 4 data nodes. Master nodes
> have these components installed (as shown in Ambari UI):
> active hbase master
> history server
> name node
> resource manager
> zookeeper server
> metrics monitor
> Node server has these components:
> Data Node
> region server
> metrics monitor
> node manager
> So I looked on my node server for the hbase.rootdir, and it points to my
> hdfs://hbasmaserserver:8020//apps/hbase/data.
> Now this is confusing to me as I thought data is distributed on node
> servers, where region servers are.
> I sshed to my masterserver and looked under this dir and did see all my
> tables in my default namespace. Example:
> $ hadoop fs -du -s -h /apps/hbase/data/data/default/RAWHITS_AURORA-COM
> 2.0 G  /apps/hbase/data/data/default/RAWHITS_AURORA-COM
> So when I run this command on hbmaster, it gets propagated to all data
> nodes, correct? Is this size compressed or uncompressed?
> Many thanks!
> Marjana
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