Hello all,

I am in a fix right now where hbase hbck command is not running properly.
It is picking up incorrect rootdir in order to search for regions info in
hdfs and hence ultimately throwing 'No HDFS dir found' for all the regions
in the cluster. It is searching in hdfs://nameservice1/tmp/hbase-{user
running hbck command}/hbase as show below. Also along with this, none of
the hbase hbck options are working, repair etc and exiting with status code
255. I am using hbase version 1.2. If anyone has faced something like this
please help.


   1. 2018-01-05 11:28:44,051 INFO  [main] util.HBaseFsck: Loading
region directories from HDFS
   2. ERROR: Version file does not exist in root dir
   4. 2018-01-05 11:28:44,162 INFO  [main] util.HBaseFsck: Loading
region information from HDFS


Thank you and Regards,

Ravi Hemnani.

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