
  I'm trying to connect to hive using the JDBC driver in embedded mode. I can 
load the driver successfully & connect to it via:

hiveConnection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:hive://", "", "" )

But when I query a table that I know exists - I can query it via a hive command 
line running on the same machine - I get a "table does not exist" error. When I 
go ahead and create the table in my java program, and then query it, I get: 

ERROR: hive.log java.io.FileNotFoundException: File 

So it looks like it's trying to use the local filesystem for the warehouse dir. 
I tried setting the warehouse dir variable in the hive-default.xml file to:


But I get the same errors.

Any idea what's happening? 

Am I confused on what an embedded hive server can do - I was under the 
impression that the cli used an embedded hive server, and could connect to my 
hdfs store, but... it would seem my java program can't this.

I guess my next stop is going through the hive cli source code ?

Take care,


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