Hi Techy this error use to appeare when the user executing the query has
not permisions into the origin or target folder, if you create a single
table (no externa) is probable that you has not permissions to write into

Respect to your before question, i am using snappy to compress the data
stored and i have exelent results


El 01/08/2012, a las 09:28 p.m., Techy Teck <comptechge...@gmail.com>

I am trying to load data in to the date partition, so my data got
succesfully loaded for 20120709 but when I tried to load the data for
* then I am seeing the below exception. Can anyone suggest me why is it
happening like this?

*Loading data to table data_quality partition (ds=20120710)*

*Failed with exception replaceFiles: error while moving files from
to /user/uname/data_quality/ds=20120710!!!*

*FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from

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