I ended up patching the HiveConf.java  . If  hive-site.xml were not found
on the classpath then:

   - an   o.a.h.fs.Path object is created from
    System.getenv("HIVE_CONF_DIR") + File.seperator + "hive-site.xml"
   - the Path is sent to the base class Configuration.addResource - whiich
   btw accepts either resourceURL's or Path objects

the problem was resolved  with that change to HiveConf.java:  the
hive-site.xml is loaded properly via the Path (instead of URL)  and as a
consequence the  jdoConnectionURL and related properties for the mysql
metastore are loaded allowing the metadata to be stored in mysql

2012/12/9 Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>

> The first element of the classpath is the right one already.. but I STILL
> get the hive-site.xml is not found in classpath.  Only hive gives me
> issues.  hdfs, mapred, hbase are all running fine.
> HADOOP_CLASSPATH=:*/shared/hive/conf:*
> /shared/hive/lib/antlr-runtime-3.0.1.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-dbcp-1.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-pool-1.5.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-connectionpool-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-core-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-enhancer-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-rdbms-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/derby-
> steve@mithril:/shared/hive/bin$ *ls -lrta /shared/hive/conf/hive-site.xml*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 4415 2012-11-25 23:02
> /shared/hive/conf/hive-site.xml
> 2012/11/30 Lauren Yang <lauren.y...@microsoft.com>
>>  You can see if the classpath is being passed correctly to hadoop by
>> putting in an echo statement around line 150 of the hive cli script where
>> it passes the CLASSPATH variable to HADOOP_CLASSPATH.****
>> # pass classpath to hadoop****
>> ** **
>> You could also echo the classpath in the hadoop script (in your
>> HADOOP_HOME\bin directory) to see if the classpath is being passed
>> correctly to the time when the cli jar is invoked.****
>> ** **
>> As far as the logs location, if this is not set in your hive-site.xml,
>> you can set it by passing  in HIVE_OPTS when you invoke the command line.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> Like so:****
>> EXPORT HIVE_OPTS= -hiveconf hive.log.dir=$ HIVE_HOME\logs"****
>> Then run “hive”****
>> ** **
>> Or:****
>> Run “hive --hiveconf hive.log.dir=$ HIVE_HOME\logs”****
>> ** **
>> Thanks,****
>> Lauren****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> *From:* Stephen Boesch [mailto:java...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Friday, November 30, 2012 12:16 AM
>> *To:* user@hive.apache.org
>> *Subject:* Re: hive-site.xml not found on classpath****
>> ** **
>> running 0.9.0 (you can see it from the classpath shown below);****
>> ** **
>> steve@mithril:/shared/cdh4$ echo $HIVE_CONF_DIR****
>> /shared/hive/conf****
>> steve@mithril:/shared/cdh4$ ls -l $HIVE_CONF_DIR****
>> total 152****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve 46053 2011-12-13 00:36 hive-default.xml.template
>> ****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  1615 2012-11-13 23:37 hive-env.bullshit.sh****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  1671 2012-11-28 01:43 hive-env.sh****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  1593 2011-12-13 00:36 hive-env.sh.template****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  1637 2011-12-13 00:36
>> hive-exec-log4j.properties.template****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 root  root   2056 2012-11-28 01:38 hive-log4j.properties****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  2056 2012-03-25 12:49
>> hive-log4j.properties.template****
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 steve steve  4415 2012-11-25 23:02 hive-site.xml****
>> steve@mithril:/shared/cdh4$ echo $HIVE_HOME****
>> /shared/hive****
>> steve@mithril:/shared/cdh4$ echo $(which hive)****
>> /shared/hive/bin/hive****
>> ** **
>> also you can see the hive/conf is the first entry****
>> ** **
>> After adding the debug statement: ****
>> ** **
>> classpath=*/shared/hive/conf:*
>> /shared/hive/lib/antlr-runtime-3.0.1.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-dbcp-1.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-lang-2.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/commons-pool-1.5.4.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-connectionpool-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-core-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-enhancer-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/datanucleus-rdbms-2.0.3.jar:/shared/hive/lib/derby-
>> ****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> But even so:****
>>    - the log dir is still wrong (writing to /tmp/${user}/hive.log
>>    instead of $HIVE_HOME/logs)****
>>    - the following message in the log file****
>>  2012-11-30 00:12:31,775 WARN  conf.HiveConf
>> (HiveConf.java:<clinit>(70)) - *hive-site.xml not found on CLASSPATH*****
>> * *****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/30 Bing Li <sarah.lib...@gmail.com>****
>> which version of hive do you use?
>> Could you try to add the following debug line in bin/hive before hive
>> real executes, and see the result?
>> if [ "$TORUN" = "" ]; then
>>    echo "Service $SERVICE not found"
>>    echo "Available Services: $SERVICE_LIST"
>>    exit 7
>> else
>>    $TORUN "$@"
>> fi
>> The version I used is 0.9.0****
>> ****
>> 2012/11/30 Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>****
>> Yes i do mean the log is in the wrong location, since it was set to a
>> persistent path in the $HIVE_CONF_DIR/lhive-log4j.properties.****
>> ** **
>> None of the files in that directory appear to be picked up properly:
>> neither the hive-site.xml nor log4j.properties.****
>> ** **
>> I have put echo statements into the 'hive" and the hive-config.sh  shell
>> scripts and the echo statements prove that  HIVE_CONF_DIR is set properly:
>>  /shared/hive/conf   ****
>> ** **
>> But even so the following problems occur:****
>>    - the message "hive-site.xml is not found in the classpath"****
>>    - none of the hive-site.xml values are taking properly****
>>    - the log4j.properties in that same directory is not taking effect.***
>>    *
>>  ** **
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/29 Bing Li <sarah.lib...@gmail.com>****
>> Hi, Stephen
>> what did you mean the "wrong place under /tmp" in
>> "I am seeing the following message in the logs (which are in the wrong
>> place under /tmp..)" ?
>> Did you mean that you set a different log dir but it didn't work?
>> the log dir should be set in conf/hive-log4j.properties,
>> conf/hive-exec-log4j.properties
>> and you can try to reset HIVE_CONF_DIR in conf/hive-env.sh with ‘export"
>> command.
>> - Bing****
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/30 Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>****
>> thought i mentioned in the posts those were already set and verified..
>> but yes in any case that's first thing looked at.
>> steve@mithril:~$ echo $HIVE_CONF_DIR
>> /shared/hive/conf
>> steve@mithril:~$ echo $HIVE_HOME
>> /shared/hive****
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/29 kulkarni.swar...@gmail.com <kulkarni.swar...@gmail.com>****
>> ** **
>> Have you tried setting HIVE_HOME and HIVE_CONF_DIR?****
>> ** **
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:****
>> Yes.  ****
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/29 Shreepadma Venugopalan <shreepa...@cloudera.com>****
>> Are you seeing this message when your bring up the standalone hive cli by
>> running 'hive'?****
>> ** **
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:56 AM, Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:****
>> i am running under user steve.  the latest log (where this shows up ) is
>>  /tmp/steve/hive.log****
>> ** **
>> 2012/11/29 Viral Bajaria <viral.baja...@gmail.com>****
>> You are seeing this error when you run the hive cli or in the tasktracker
>> logs when you run a query ?****
>> ** **
>> On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Stephen Boesch <java...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:****
>> ** **
>> I am seeing the following message in the logs (which are in the wrong
>> place under /tmp..)****
>> ** **
>> hive-site.xml not found on classpath****
>> ** **
>> My hive-site.xml is under the standard location  $HIVE_HOME/conf so this
>> should not happen.****
>> ** **
>> Now some posts have talked that the HADOOP_CLASSPATH was mangled.  Mine
>> is not..****
>> ** **
>> So what is the underlying issue here?****
>> ** **
>> Thanks****
>> ** **
>> stephenb****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ****
>> ** **
>> --
>> Swarnim****
>>   ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> ** **

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