I'm pretty sure there are at least a few bugs in that article.  The problem 
described below goes away if "rank" is added to the outer select statement.  If 
there's one error I suppose there may be others.  Although I have gotten the 
query to run, I'm not getting properly ranked results yet.  I'm still working 
on it.

On Apr 2, 2013, at 10:03 , Keith Wiley wrote:

> On Apr 1, 2013, at 16:12 , Alexander Pivovarov wrote:
>> http://ragrawal.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/extract-top-n-records-in-each-group-in-hadoophive/
> Is there any possibility there is a bug in Ritesh Agrawal's query statement 
> from that article?  I created a test table with the exact column names from 
> the example in the article and used a minimally altered version of the 
> command (I removed the where clause to simplify things a bit) and got an 
> error which suggests there is something slightly wrong with the command (or 
> perhaps the table has to be configured a special way).  Here's what I get 
> when I almost perfectly duplicate that example:
> hive> describe test;
> OK
> user  string  
> category      string  
> value int     
> Time taken: 0.082 seconds
> ==================================================
> hive> select * from test;
> OK
> user1 cat1    1
> user1 cat1    2
> user1 cat1    3
> user1 cat2    10
> user1 cat2    20
> user1 cat2    30
> user2 cat1    11
> user2 cat1    21
> user2 cat1    31
> user2 cat2    5
> user2 cat2    6
> user2 cat2    7
> Time taken: 0.202 seconds
> ==================================================
> hive> SELECT user, category, value
>> FROM (
>> SELECT user, category, rank(user) as rank, value
>> FROM test
>> SORT BY user, value desc
>> ) a
>> WHERE rank > 1
>> ORDER BY user, rank;
> FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: Line 9:15 Invalid table alias or column 
> reference 'rank': (possible column names are: _col0, _col1, _col2)
> hive> 
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    
> music.keithwiley.com
> "What I primarily learned in grad school is how much I *don't* know.
> Consequently, I left grad school with a higher ignorance to knowledge ratio 
> than
> when I entered."
>                                           --  Keith Wiley
> ________________________________________________________________________________

Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com    music.keithwiley.com

"Yet mark his perfect self-contentment, and hence learn his lesson, that to be
self-contented is to be vile and ignorant, and that to aspire is better than to
be blindly and impotently happy."
                                           --  Edwin A. Abbott, Flatland

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