I dont see you added rank in the classpath and defined rank function

can you try add jar and define the function and try again

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Keith Wiley <kwi...@keithwiley.com> wrote:

> On Apr 1, 2013, at 16:12 , Alexander Pivovarov wrote:
> >
> http://ragrawal.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/extract-top-n-records-in-each-group-in-hadoophive/
> Is there any possibility there is a bug in Ritesh Agrawal's query
> statement from that article?  I created a test table with the exact column
> names from the example in the article and used a minimally altered version
> of the command (I removed the where clause to simplify things a bit) and
> got an error which suggests there is something slightly wrong with the
> command (or perhaps the table has to be configured a special way).  Here's
> what I get when I almost perfectly duplicate that example:
> hive> describe test;
> OK
> user    string
> category        string
> value   int
> Time taken: 0.082 seconds
> ==================================================
> hive> select * from test;
> OK
> user1   cat1    1
> user1   cat1    2
> user1   cat1    3
> user1   cat2    10
> user1   cat2    20
> user1   cat2    30
> user2   cat1    11
> user2   cat1    21
> user2   cat1    31
> user2   cat2    5
> user2   cat2    6
> user2   cat2    7
> Time taken: 0.202 seconds
> ==================================================
> hive> SELECT user, category, value
>     > FROM (
>     > SELECT user, category, rank(user) as rank, value
>     > FROM test
>     > DISTRIBUTE BY user
>     > SORT BY user, value desc
>     > ) a
>     > WHERE rank > 1
>     > ORDER BY user, rank;
> FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: Line 9:15 Invalid table alias or
> column reference 'rank': (possible column names are: _col0, _col1, _col2)
> hive>
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> Keith Wiley     kwi...@keithwiley.com     keithwiley.com
> music.keithwiley.com
> "What I primarily learned in grad school is how much I *don't* know.
> Consequently, I left grad school with a higher ignorance to knowledge
> ratio than
> when I entered."
>                                            --  Keith Wiley
> ________________________________________________________________________________

Nitin Pawar

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