Hi jerome,

What about the from_unixtime and unix_timestamp  Udf ?

from_unixtime() which accept bigint

my 2 cents


*De :* Nitin Pawar [mailto:nitinpawar...@gmail.com]
*Envoyé :* mercredi 3 juillet 2013 09:29
*À :* user@hive.apache.org
*Objet :* Re: Dealing with differents date format

easiest way in this kind would be write up a small udf.

As Stephen suggested, its just a number so you can do maths to extract year
and month out of the number and then do the comparison.

also 201307 is not a supported date format anywhere as per my knowledge

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Jérôme Verdier <verdier.jerom...@gmail.com>

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your reply.

The problem is that my input date is this : in_co_an_mois (format : YYYYMM,
integer), for example, this month, we have 201307

and i have to deal with this date : add one month, compare to over date,

The problem is that apparently, there is no way to do this, because Hive
can't deal with this type of data because it's not a date format.

For hive, this is just a number.

Hive can deal with this : 1970-01-01 00:00:00, or this : 2009-03-20, but
not with this unusual format : 201307.


2013/7/2 Stephen Sprague <sprag...@gmail.com>

not sure i fully understand your dilemma.    have you investigated any of
the date functions listed here?


seems to me you could pull the year and month from a date.  or if you have
an int then do some arithmetic to get the year and month.  eg. year =
floor( <your int>/10000) and month = cast( <your int> % 100 as int)  [% ==
modulus operator]

or am i not even answering your question?

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 2:42 AM, Jérôme Verdier <verdier.jerom...@gmail.com>


i trying to translate some PL/SQL script in HiveQL, and dealing with
unusual date format.

i added a variable in my hive script : '${hiveconf:in_co_an_mois}' which is
a year/month date format, like this : 201307 (INT format).

I would like to transform this in date format, because i have to increment
this (add one month/one year).

Is there a way to do this in hive ?



Nitin Pawar

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