I'm not sure if you'd call that a join.   that just looks like two tables
side by side in some random order.

the only way to get that (that i can see) is if there is some kind of
function between the two "ids" in the two tables. That way you could join
on A.id1 = function(B.id2)  otherwise the only other thing i can think of
to use the ROW_NUMBER() analytics function in hive 0.11 and join on that if
it is indeed random.

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Sandeep Nemuri <nhsande...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all ,
> I want to join two tables
> **
> I have table_A:
> id1 var1 var2
> 1   a    b
> 2   c    d
> Table_B:
> id2 var3 var4
> 3   e    f
> 4   g    h
> Expected Output is :
> id1 var1 var2 id2 var3 var4
> 1   a    b     3    e   f
> 2   c    d     4    g   h
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> --Regards
>   Sandeep Nemuri

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