To validate what I said, run hiveserver2 in debug mode, put breakpoint in
this class, authenticate method, and see if the exception is being thrown.

2013/8/23 Mikhail Antonov <>

> I see the same behavior and here's the reason.
> LdapAuthenticationProviderImpl - that the one responsible for LDAP
> authentication in Hive. Look at this class. It has snippet (CDH 4.2.1, hive
> 0.10):
>  // setup the security principal
>     String bindDN;
>     if (baseDN != null) {
>       bindDN = "uid=" + user + "," + baseDN;
>     } else {
>       bindDN = user;
>     }
> And according to Cloudera documentation, you're supposed to set baseDN
> param for OpenLDAP, but not for AD. So when this baseDN isn't present, Hive
> takes username as it is (say user1) and tries to bind to the ldap server,
> which works.
> When you set this baseDN, it constructs the bind string as
> uid=user1,dc=wizetest,dc=com. But most likely, your open ldap expects it to
> be rather cn=user1,dc=wizetest,dc=com, uid attribute isn't being used.
> I think the way to go is to provide you own LDAP authenticator, which has
> more control on how to generate LDAP bind string.
> Mikhail
> 2013/8/23 Sanjay Subramanian <>
>>  Hi guys
>>  I tested hiveserver2 with Active directory - It works
>> With Open LDAP it does not
>>  Is there any specific syntax for specifying the LDAP url or baseDN ?
>>  <property>
>>   <name>hive.server2.authentication.ldap.url</name>
>>   <value>ldap://</value>
>> </property>
>> <property>
>>   <name>hive.server2.authentication.ldap.baseDN</name>
>>   <value>dc=wizetest,dc=com</value>
>> </property>
>>  Beeline keeps giving error
>>  jdbc:hive2://dev-thdp5:10000> !connect jdbc:hive2://dev-thdp5:10000
>> hiveuser1 ******** org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>> Connecting to jdbc:hive2://dev-thdp5:10000
>> Error: Could not establish connection to jdbc:hive2://dev-thdp5:10000:
>> Peer indicated failure: Error validating the login (state=08S01,code=0)
>>  Any clues ?
>>  Thanks
>>  sanjay
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> --
> Thanks,
> Michael Antonov

Michael Antonov

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