>0.14 . Acid tables have been a real pain for us. We don¹t believe they are
>production ready. At least in our use cases, Tez crashes for assorted
>reasons or only assigns 1 mapper to the partition. Having delta files and
>no base files borks mapper assignments.

Some of the chicken-egg problems for those were solved recently in

Then TEZ-1993 is coming out in the next version of Tez, into which we¹re
plugging in HIVE-7428 (no fix yet).

Currently delta-only splits have 0 bytes as the ³file size², so it grouped
together to make a 16Mb chunk (rather a huge single 0 sized split).

Those patches are the effect of me shaving the yak from the ³1 mapper²

After which the writer has to follow up on HIVE-9933 to get the locality
of files fixed.

>name are left scattered about, borking queries. Latency is higher with
>streaming than writing to an orc file in hdfs, forcing obscene quantities
>of buckets and orc files smaller than any reasonable orc stripe / hdfs
>block size. The compactor hangs seemingly at random for no reason we¹ve
>been able to discern.

I haven¹t seen these issues yet, but I am not dealing with a large volume
insert rate, so haven¹t produced latency issues there.

Since I work on Hive performance and I haven¹t seen too many bugs filed,
so I haven¹t paid attention to the performance of ACID.

Please file bugs when you find them, so that it appears on the radar for
folks like me.

I¹m poking about because I want a live stream into LLAP to work seamlessly
& return sub-second query results when queried (pre-cache/stage & merge

>An orc file without a footer is junk data (or, at least, the last stripe
>is junk data). I suppose my question should have been 'what will the hive
>query do when it encounters this? Skip the stripe / file? Error out the
>query? Something else?¹

It should throw an exception, because that¹s a corrupt ORC file.

The trucking demo uses Storm without ACID - this is likely to get better
once we use Apache Falcon to move the data around.


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