Correct me if I am wrong, my understanding is that after using kerberos 
authentication, you probably don’t need the password.

Hope it helps


> On Aug 19, 2015, at 9:09 AM, Loïc Chanel <> wrote:
> By the way, thanks a lot for your help, because your solution works, but I'm 
> still interested in knowing what is the password I did not enter.
> Thanks again,
> Loïc
> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
> 2015-08-19 18:07 GMT+02:00 Loïc Chanel < 
> <>>:
> All right, but then, what is the password hive asks for ? Hive's one ? How do 
> I know its value ?
> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
> 2015-08-19 17:51 GMT+02:00 Jary Du < 
> <>>:
> For Beeline connection string, it should be "!connect 
> jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<db>;principal=<Server_Principal_of_HiveServer2>”. 
> Please make sure it is the hive’s principal, not the user’s. And when you 
> kinit, it should be kinit user’s keytab, not the hive’s keytab. 
>> On Aug 19, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Loïc Chanel < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Yeah, I forgot to mention it, but each time I did a kinit user/hive before 
>> launching beeline, as I read somewhere that Beeline does not handle Kerberos 
>> connection.
>> So, as I can make klist before launching beeline and having a good result, 
>> the problem does not come from this. Thanks a lot for your response though.
>> Do you have another idea ?
>> Loïc CHANEL
>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>> 2015-08-19 17:42 GMT+02:00 Jary Du < 
>> <>>:
>> "The Beeline client must have a valid Kerberos ticket in the ticket cache 
>> before attempting to connect." 
>> (
>> <>)
>> So you need kinit first to have the valid Kerberos ticket int the ticket 
>> cache before using beeline to connect to HS2. 
>> Jary
>>> On Aug 19, 2015, at 8:36 AM, Loïc Chanel < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> As I searched another way to make some requests with Kerberos enabled for 
>>> security on HiveServer, I found that this request should do the same :
>>> !connect 
>>> jdbc:hive2://;principal=user/h...@westeros.wl 
>>> <;principal=user/h...@westeros.wl> 
>>> org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>>> But now I've got another error :
>>> Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: 
>>> jdbc:hive2://;principal=user/h...@westeros.wl 
>>> <;principal=user/h...@westeros.wl>: Peer 
>>> indicated failure: GSS initiate failed (state=08S01,code=0)
>>> As I saw that it was maybe a simple Kerberos ticket related problem, I 
>>> tried to re-generate Kerberos keytabs, and to ensure that Hive has the path 
>>> to access to its keytab, but nothing changed.
>>> Does anyone has an idea about how to solve this issue ?
>>> Thanks in advance for your help :)
>>> Loïc
>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>> 2015-08-19 12:01 GMT+02:00 Loïc Chanel < 
>>> <>>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have a little issue with HiveServer2 since I have enabled Kerberos. I'm 
>>> unable to connect to the service via Beeline. When doing 
>>> !connect jdbc:hive2:// <> 
>>> hive hive org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>>> I keep receiving the same error :
>>> Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri: 
>>> jdbc:hive2:// <>: Peer 
>>> indicated failure: Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN (state=08S01,code=0)
>>> Does anyone had the same problem ? Or know how to solve it ?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Loïc
>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne

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