

Your steps look reasonable.


Try to understand your approach


1.    You have a current RDBMS (Oracle, Sybase, MSSQL?)

2.    You want to feed that data daily in batch or real time from RDBMS to 
Hadoop as relational tables (that is where Hive comes into it)

3.    You need to have fully installed and configured Hiveincluding Hibve2 
server !

4.    You will need to use sqoop (SQL to Hadoop) to get DDL and data on RDBMS 
to be created on Hive. This is apriority step

5.    You will use Hive/MapReduce for batch processing

6.    You want to use Spark for real time data processing on Hadoop


How about feeding deltas (daily/periodic changes) from RDBMS to Hive. How are 
you going to do that. Remember we are talking about inserts/deletes/updates). 




Mich Talebzadeh


Sybase ASE 15 Gold Medal Award 2008

A Winning Strategy: Running the most Critical Financial Data on ASE 15


Author of the books "A Practitioner’s Guide to Upgrading to Sybase ASE 15", 
ISBN 978-0-9563693-0-7. 

co-author "Sybase Transact SQL Guidelines Best Practices", ISBN 

Publications due shortly:

Complex Event Processing in Heterogeneous Environments, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-3-8

Oracle and Sybase, Concepts and Contrasts, ISBN: 978-0-9563693-1-4, volume one 
out shortly


http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com <http://talebzadehmich.wordpress.com/> 


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From: Dasun Hegoda [mailto:dasunheg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 20 November 2015 09:36
To: user@hive.apache.org
Subject: Hive on Spark - Hadoop 2 - Installation - Ubuntu




What I'm planning to do is develop a reporting platform using existing data. I 
have an existing RDBMS which has large number of records. So I'm using. 


 - Scoop - Extract data from RDBMS to Hadoop

 - Hadoop - Storage platform -> *Deployment Completed*

 - Hive - Datawarehouse

 - Spark - Read time processing -> *Deployment Completed*


I'm planning to deploy Hive on Spark but I can't find the installation steps. I 
tried to read the official '[Hive on Spark][1]' guide but it has problems. As 
an example it says under 'Configuring Yarn' 
 but does not imply where should I do it. Also as per the guide configurations 
are set in the Hive runtime shell which is not permanent according to my 


Given that I read [this][2] but it does not have any steps.


Please provide me the steps to run Hive on Spark on Ubuntu as a production 








Dasun Hegoda, Software Engineer  
www.dasunhegoda.com <http://www.dasunhegoda.com/>  | dasunheg...@gmail.com 

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