>So in a nutshell in Hive if "external" indexes are not used for improving
>query response, what value they add and can we forget them for now?

The builtin indexes - those that write data as smaller tables are only
useful in a pre-columnar world, where the indexes offer a huge reduction
in IO.

Part #1 of using hive indexes effectively is to write your own
HiveIndexHandler, with usesIndexTable=false;

And then write a IndexPredicateAnalyzer, which lets you map arbitrary
lookups into other range conditions.

Not coincidentally - we're adding a "ANALYZE TABLE ... CACHE METADATA"
which consolidates the "internal" index into an external store (HBase).

Some of the index data now lives in the HBase metastore, so that the
inclusion/exclusion of whole partitions can be done off the consolidated


The experience from BI workloads run by customers is that in general, the
lookup to the right "slice" of data is more of a problem than the actual

And that for a workhorse data warehouse, this has to survive even if
there's a non-stop stream of updates into it.


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