Another example (with first name and last name), same principal


Given the following table:

id, first_name,last_name

select id,key,value from my_table lateral view explode 
(map('fname',first_name,'lname',last_name)) t;

The result will look like:

2,fname, Andrew
2,lname, Sears

From: Deepak Khandelwal []
Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2016 9:04 AM
Subject: Hive query to split one row into many rows such that Row 1 will have 
col 1 Name, col 1 Value and Row 2 will have col 2 Name and col 2 value

Hi All,

I am new to Hive and I am trying to create a query for below aituation. Would 
appreciate if someone could guide on same. Thans a lot in advance.

I have two TABLES shown below

**USER_ID**  |  **USER_NAME**  |   **USER_ADDRESS**
1          USER1           ADDRESS111
2          USER2             ADDRESS222

**USER_ID**  |  **PARAM_NAME**  |   **PARAM_VALUE**
1           USER_NAME        USER1
1           USER_ADDRESS  ADDRESS111
2           USER_NAME        USER2
2            USER_ADDRESS  ADDRESS222

I need to insert data in table2(USER_PARAMETERS) FROM table1(USER_DETAILS) in 
the format shown above. I can do this using UNION ALL but I want to avoid it as 
there are like 10 such columns that i need to split like above.

Can someone suggest a efficient hive query so that i can achieve the results 
shown in table 2 from data in table 1 (Hive query to split one row of data into 
multiple rows like such that Row 1 will have column1 Name, column1 Value and 
Row 2 will have column 2 Name and column 2 value...).

Thanks a lot

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