Hi Kuldeep,

Have you installed hive on any of these nodes.

Hive is basically an API. You will also need to install sqoop as well if
you are going to import data from other RDBMss like Oracle, Sybase etc.

Hive has a very small footprint so my suggestion is to install it on all
your boxes and permission granted to Haddop user say hduser.

Hive will require a metadata in  a database of your choice. default is
derby which I don't use. try to use a reasonable database. ours is on

 Now under directory $HIVE_HOME/conf/hive-site.xml you can set up info
about Hadoop and your metastore etc. You also need to set up environment
variables for both Hadoop and hive in your start up script like .profile
.kshrc etc

Have a look anyway.


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn * 


On 18 May 2016 at 13:49, Kuldeep Chitrakar <kuldeep.chitra...@synechron.com>

> I have a very basic question regarding Hadoop & Hive setup.  I have 7
> Machines say M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7
> Hadoop Cluster Setup:
> Namenode: M1
> Seondary Namenode: M2
> Datanodes: M3,M4,M5
> Now question is:
> Where do I need to install Hive.
> 1.       Should I install Hiverserver on M6
> a.       if yes does that machine needs core Hadoop JAR’s installed?
> b.      How this Hive server knows where Hadoop cluster is. What
> configurations needs to be done?
> c.       How can we restrict this machine to be only hive server and not
> datanode of Hadoop cluster?
> 2.       Where do we install Hive CLI
> a.       If I want to hive M7 as Hive CLI, then what needs to be
> installed on this machine.
> b.      Any required configurations.
> Thanks,
> Kuldeep

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