Some progress: I could eliminate the error reported in a): the data file needs 
to be named 000000_0 and must be placed in a the directory denoted by the 
location given at table creation. This is what the error message is about? ;-)

Now the situation for a) is the same as for b):

Trying to fetch data by

select * from CFA1_Fan_Speed_DMC limit 1;

results in 

Error: ORC does not support type 
conversion from file type timestamp (1) to reader type 
struct<normalizedTime:timestamp,RAW:bigint,ENG:float> (1) (state=,code=0)

But if I create a comparable table within hive, things do work:

create table x(y struct<a:timestamp,b:bigint,c:float>);

insert into x select named_struct('a', current_timestamp, 'b', bigint(42), 
'c', float(4.2)) from dummy limit 1;

select * from x;
|                       x.y                       |
| {"a":"2016-08-04 14:49:01.636","b":42,"c":4.2}  |

The tables look similar:

describe CFA1_Fan_Speed_DMC;
| col_name  |                       data_type                        | comment  
| record    | struct<normalizedTime:timestamp,RAW:bigint,ENG:float>  |          

describe x;
| col_name  |               data_type               | comment  |
| y         | struct<a:timestamp,b:bigint,c:float>  |          |

So does anybody have an idea what might be wrong with my external table 
access? Anything that I could give a try?

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Airbus DS GmbH 
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