Thank you Kumar, It works!  
How about the second Question: I add an archive file (*.tar.gz) by using ADD 
ARCHIVE *.tar.gz, it seems that this file is not unarchived automatically. I am 
also confused.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????:&nbsp;"Manoj Kumar"<;;
????????:&nbsp;2020??4??15??(??????) ????2:00
????:&nbsp;Re: loading native library in hive UDF


Maybe you can try adding native libraries (*.so)&nbsp;files along with its all 
dependent libs (*.so) in


$ld --&gt; should show all shared libs resolved from 
local&nbsp;hadoop-{version}/lib/native folder

Above path is shared across the hadoop ecosystem and make sure to add 
so&nbsp;with its all dependent libs on all nodes .

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 7:23 AM Xiaobin <; wrote:

Hi, all:
I'm a beginner of hive. Recently I want to implement a UDF in hive and this 
function is code with java but call some method written in C++. So my UDF need 
to load some native libraries (*.so). I have already added the so to hive by 
using Add file *.so. But it seems that hive doesn't add these so to the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH automatically, thus, UDF throws 'no so in java.library.path' 
exception. I have almost searched the whole internet but got nothing 
helpful.&nbsp; Have you got any idea of this?

By the way, I add an archive file (*.tar.gz) by using ADD ARCHIVE *.tar.gz, it 
seems that this file is not unarchived automatically. I am also confused.

Thank you.



Regards,Manoj&nbsp; Kumar

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