Hi all,

    I've a cluster of 2 ignite server nodes + 1 client node (non-ignite).
I've collocated the data resides in ignite cache based on affinity key.

Server 1 - contains all the data related to the affinity key (A, C, E)
Server 2 - contains all the data related to the affinity key (B, D, F)

I've deployed a service using node singleton approach and the same also
provided in RMI for backward compatibility.

Client can add, update and remove the data using API services. I would like
to end up the call called by the client to the node / server where it's
data is located to minimize data serialization within the network.

With Ignite client, I can able to do it by passing a predicate while
getting the service. But, my client works only with RMI. Once I received a
call, what approaches should i take to re-direct the computation to the
node where data is located ?


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