2016-06-13 9:14 GMT+02:00 Denis Magda <dma...@gridgain.com>:
> This property means that a node that is being started and where a part of 
> cache data is being rebalanced won’t be considered for any cache related 
> operations until the rebalancing has finished.
> In my understanding such a node won’t be considered for cache operations like 
> put, get, etc. until all the data is fully rebalanced on it. However this 
> doesn’t prevent from getting a cache reference on this node and ask for 
> current cache size.

Unfortunately it does not seem to work that way. I was also
considering that it might only apply to put/get operations, so I tried
adding a bogus "get" for a non-existing member to see if it would then
exhibit any kind of blocking behaviour (and hence make my assert pass
100% of the time). This does not seem to be the case either. Running
an explicit rebalance seems to do the trick. This would appear to be a
bug unless I misunderstand something.


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