Hi there,
My  ignite in-memory sql query is very slow. Anyone can help me to figure out 
what was wrong?

I am using group indexing to speed up in-memory sql queries. I notice that my 
sql query took 2274ms (data set size: 10Million, return result:1).

My query is executed as:
String qryStr = "select * from UniqueField where oid= ? and fnum= ? and num= ?";

        String oId="a343";
        int fNum = 3;
        BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal("510020000982136");

        IgniteCache cache = 
igniteMetaUtils.getIgniteCache(IgniteMetaCacheType.UNIQUE_INDEX);  // to get 
selected cache ,which has been created in some other place

        SqlQuery qry = new SqlQuery(UniqueField.class, qryStr);
        qry.setArgs(objId,fieldNum, numVal);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
List result= cache.query(qry).getAll();
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Time used in query :"+ (end-start)+"ms");

And the result shows: Time used in query :2274ms

I have set group indexes, and the model is defined as:
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;

import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;

public class UniqueField implements Serializable

    private String orgId;

                    name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=1, descending = true),
                    name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=1, descending = true),
                    name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=1, descending = true)

private String oId;

    private String gId;

                    name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=2, descending = true),
                    name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=2, descending = true),
                    name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=2, descending = true)

    private int fNum;

    @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
                    name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=3, descending = true)})
    private String msg;

    @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
                    name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=3, descending = true)})
    private BigDecimal num;

    @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
                    name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=3, descending = true)})
    private Date date;

    public UniqueField(){};

    public UniqueField(
            String orgId,
            String oId,
            String gId,
            int fNum,
            String msg,
            BigDecimal num,
            Date date
        this.gId = gId;
        this.fNum = fNum;
        this.msg = msg;
        this.num = num;
        this.date = date;

    public String getOrgId()
        return orgId;

    public void setOrgId(String orgId)
        this.orgId = orgId;

    public String getOId()
        return oId;

    public void setOId(String oId)
        this.oId = oId;

    public String getGid()
        return gId;

    public void setGuid(String gId)
        this.gId = gId;

    public int getFNum()
        return fNum;

    public void setFNum(int fNum)
        this.fNum = fNum;

    public String getMsg()
        return msg;

    public void setMsg(String msg)
        this.msg = msg;

    public BigDecimal getNum()
        return num;

    public void setNum(BigDecimal num)
        this.num = num;

    public Date getDate()
        return date;

    public void setDate(Date date)
        this.date = date;


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