Hi, Kevin.

1. I've created an issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-3453
for this and started a discussion on dev list.
You can watch the issue  to be immediately notified on task progress.

As a workaround try to avoid common fields in index definitions.

2. How do you measure a performance ?

3. You should run query several time before measuring a result to allow JVM
to "warm up". It's common test practice.

2016-07-08 5:19 GMT+03:00 Zhengqingzheng <zhengqingzh...@huawei.com>:

> Hi Alexei,
> I have tried to use only one group of index, and it works for me. However,
> there are 3 issues:
> 1.       I still need to define 3 different groups of indexes to speed up
> all possible queries. But  in this case, only one group index is allowed.
> How to define other group indexes without problems?
> 2.       The sql query time is about 16ms on local machine. It seems too
> slow, as I have tested other sql queries within local machine, and the
> query time is about 1 ~ 2 ms
> 3.       It seems that no matter using get or sql query methods, the
> first query time is always higher than the rest of other queries.
> And the explain information of my sql with only one group index is listed
> as follows (call sql query twice and the first time shows explain info):
> Time:78;  result1:[[SELECT
>     GUID AS __C0
> FROM "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache".IGNITEMETAINDEX
>     /*
> "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache"."objId_fieldNum_stringValue":
>         AND OBJID = ?1
>         AND FIELDNUM = ?2
>      */
>     AND ((OBJID = ?1)
>     AND (FIELDNUM = ?2))], [SELECT
>     __C0 AS GUID
>     /* "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache"."merge_scan"
> */]]
> -----------------------------------
> result size:1
> -----------------------------------
> Time used in index cache query: 16ms
> Time:16;  result2:[50116926]
> Best regards,
> Kevin
> *发件人:* Alexei Scherbakov [mailto:alexey.scherbak...@gmail.com]
> *发送时间:* 2016年7月7日 0:59
> *收件人:* user
> *主题:* Re: 答复: ignite group indexing not work problem
> Hi, Kevin.
> Have you defined other composite indexes including objid, fieldnum fields ?
> If yes, try to disable them and check if query picks up correct index.
> 2016-07-05 15:45 GMT+03:00 Zhengqingzheng <zhengqingzh...@huawei.com>:
> Hi Alexei,
> Indexing not work again. This time I print the query plan:
>     GUID AS __C0
> FROM "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache".IGNITEMETAINDEX
>     /*
> "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache"."objId_fieldNum_numValue":
> OBJID = ?1
>         AND FIELDNUM = ?2
>      */
>     AND ((OBJID = ?1)
>     AND (FIELDNUM = ?2))], [SELECT
>     __C0 AS GUID
> /* "com.huawei.soa.ignite.model.IgniteMetaIndex_Cache"."merge_scan" */]
> It seems that the group index is broken, as I can see only objId and
> fieldnum are used to check the index, however, I defined three columns:
> objid, fieldnum and stringvalue
> And the order is incorrect.
> My query is :
> String qryStr = " explain select guid from IgniteMetaIndex where  objid=?
> and fieldnum=? and stringvalue=? ";
> …
> fieldQry.setArgs( "a1162", 7 ,"18835473249");
> hope you can help me.
> Best regards,
> Kevin
> *发件人:* Alexei Scherbakov [mailto:alexey.scherbak...@gmail.com]
> *发送时间:* 2016年6月29日 0:30
> *收件人:* user
> *主题:* Re: ignite group indexing not work problem
> Hi,
> I've tried the provided sample and found what instead of using
> oId_fNum_num index H2 engine prefers oId_fNum_date,
> thus preventing condition on num field to use index.
> I think it's incorrect behavior.
> Could you disable oId_fNum_date, execute the query again and provide me
> with the query plan and execution time ?
> You can get query plan from build-in H2 console. Read more about how to
> setup console here [1]
> [1] https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/sql-queries#using-h2-debug-console
> 2016-06-28 6:08 GMT+03:00 Zhengqingzheng <zhengqingzh...@huawei.com>:
> Hi there,
> My  ignite in-memory sql query is very slow. Anyone can help me to figure
> out what was wrong?
> I am using group indexing to speed up in-memory sql queries. I notice that
> my sql query took 2274ms (data set size: 10Million, return result:1).
> My query is executed as:
> String qryStr = "select * from UniqueField where oid= ? and fnum= ? and
> num= ?";
>         String oId="a343";
>         int fNum = 3;
>         BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal("510020000982136");
>         IgniteCache cache =
> igniteMetaUtils.getIgniteCache(IgniteMetaCacheType.UNIQUE_INDEX);  // to
> get selected cache ,which has been created in some other place
>         SqlQuery qry = new SqlQuery(UniqueField.class, qryStr);
>         qry.setArgs(objId,fieldNum, numVal);
> long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
> List result= cache.query(qry).getAll();
> long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
>         System.out.println("Time used in query :"+ (end-start)+"ms");
> And the result shows: Time used in query :2274ms
> I have set group indexes, and the model is defined as:
> import java.io.Serializable;
> import java.math.BigDecimal;
> import java.util.Date;
> import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;
> public class UniqueField implements Serializable
> {
>     @QuerySqlField
>     private String orgId;
>     @QuerySqlField(
>             orderedGroups={
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=1, descending = true),
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=1, descending =
> true),
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=1, descending = true)
> })
> private String oId;
>     @QuerySqlField(index=true)
>     private String gId;
>      @QuerySqlField(
>             orderedGroups={
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=2, descending = true),
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=2, descending =
> true),
>             @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=2, descending = true)
> })
>     private int fNum;
>     @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ msg ", order=3, descending = true)})
>     private String msg;
>     @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ num ", order=3, descending = true)})
>     private BigDecimal num;
>     @QuerySqlField(index=true, @QuerySqlField.Group(
>                     name="oId_fNum_ date ", order=3, descending = true)})
>     private Date date;
>     public UniqueField(){};
>     public UniqueField(
>             String orgId,
>             String oId,
>             String gId,
>             int fNum,
>             String msg,
>             BigDecimal num,
>             Date date
>             ){
>         this.orgId=orgId;
>         this.oId=oId;
>         this.gId = gId;
>         this.fNum = fNum;
>         this.msg = msg;
>         this.num = num;
>         this.date = date;
>     }
>     public String getOrgId()
>     {
>         return orgId;
>     }
>     public void setOrgId(String orgId)
>     {
>         this.orgId = orgId;
>     }
>     public String getOId()
>     {
>         return oId;
>     }
>     public void setOId(String oId)
>     {
>         this.oId = oId;
>     }
>     public String getGid()
>     {
>         return gId;
>     }
>     public void setGuid(String gId)
>     {
>         this.gId = gId;
>     }
>     public int getFNum()
>     {
>         return fNum;
>     }
>     public void setFNum(int fNum)
>     {
>         this.fNum = fNum;
>     }
>     public String getMsg()
>     {
>         return msg;
>     }
>     public void setMsg(String msg)
>     {
>         this.msg = msg;
>     }
>     public BigDecimal getNum()
>     {
>         return num;
>     }
>     public void setNum(BigDecimal num)
>     {
>         this.num = num;
>     }
>     public Date getDate()
>     {
>         return date;
>     }
>     public void setDate(Date date)
>     {
>         this.date = date;
>     }
> }
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexei Scherbakov
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexei Scherbakov


Best regards,
Alexei Scherbakov

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