Hi Andrey, I am starting new mail thread as my previous mails were not
appearing in ignite archive even after sending it multiple times. But I am
receiving latest group mails.

*Question:* Is it safe to use Java executor service inside ignite
transaction to do parallel processing on same cache?

My affinity key is subscriptionId and one subscription Id can have multiple
asset groups.
In my application I submit the ignite runnable task using subscriptionId
affinity key. Now inside this ignite task I submit Callable tasks per
assetGroupId to java executor service to process (remove/add and update)
cache entries in parallel fashion
This whole thing is happening inside ignite transaction and it works
perfectly fine.
Problem occurs only when I update and then read the same entry and update
it again in same transaction. This is one particular corner case.

Andrey said "*In your case, task is executed in separate thread of executor
service which knows no nothing about transaction context and starts a new
transaction in new context.*
*Moving transactional context to different thread is not supported for

Are you sure about *"Moving transactional context to different thread is
not supported for now." *Cause it is working fine in my case and I don't
see any documentation which talks about this. I have used executor service
for parallel processing inside ignite transaction at many places in my
code. Can you please confirm about this?


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