
Can you create a small reproducer project which will exhibit this behavior?
Put it on e.g. Github.

Note that 'streaming mode' in Client driver and Client driver itself are
near-deprecated. So there may be some rough edges.
However, there are streaming mode tests in Apache Ignite and they pass.

Ilya Kasnacheev

чт, 29 нояб. 2018 г. в 19:45, joseheitor <j...@heitorprojects.com>:

> Hi Ilya,
> Yes - I am using JDBC Client driver to INSERT data into the SQL table. It
> works correctly (but slow) without setting 'streaming=true'.
> When I set 'streaming=true' in the connection string, as per the Ignite
> docs
> (
> https://apacheignite-sql.readme.io/docs/jdbc-client-driver#section-streaming-mode
> <
> https://apacheignite-sql.readme.io/docs/jdbc-client-driver#section-streaming-mode>
> ), then my data-insert code runs much faster, and without errors - but the
> table remains empty.
> I have followed the instructions on the docs carefully and reviewed several
> times over the last couple of days.
> There is either something else that needs to be done and is undocumented -
> or there is a bug in this feature.
> Please can you verify this functionality on your end and confirm...?
> Thanks,
> Jose
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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