
Yes, thin client has different approach to failover. However, it should not
freeze. Please collect thread dumps so that we can see why it froze. The
expectation here is that connection will be eventually dropped.

I have found a reason for your Thick driver streaming troubles. Turns out,
you have to specify cache=the cache you are streaming do.
You were supplying DATASTORE but were actually trying to stream to
TRANSACTIONS table which isn't in it.
The correct line will be:

if (stream)
    url = 
+ config;

I have created a ticket https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-10515

Can't promise it will get traction since everyone seems to switch to
thin driver.



Ilya Kasnacheev

пн, 3 дек. 2018 г. в 20:10, joseheitor <j...@heitorprojects.com>:

> Hooray!!! - It works.
> Thanks, Ilya.
> Please continue your investigation of the JDBC Client Driver
> (thick-client),
> and let me know what you find...?
> What follows should perhaps be posted separately...but here's something I
> noticed, which I don't fully understand or know how to deal with:
> While bulk-loading data previously without streaming, via the THICK Client,
> I had a node go down. Data continued to load though, as my other node
> remained active. When I noticed this, I simply started up the failed node
> again. Data-loading paused for a while (presumably while the nodes
> synced???), and then continued until completed.
> Now, while bulk-loading data with streaming, on the THIN Client, I also had
> a node go down. Data did not however continue to load. The application did
> not see a dropped connection - it simply froze. When I noticed this, I
> started up the failed node again, as before. Data-loading did not however
> resume loading as before. (I had to kill the application and restart
> it...).
> Should Ignite not throw an exception, to alert the application that the
> database connection dropped? Or is there support for a connection timeout
> for an SQL execution statement? Or (even better) should the driver not have
> automatically detected the connection loss and re-established a new
> connection to the other node (as the THICK client presumably does...)? and
> continued.
> Thanks,
> Jose
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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