
I have gone through the following link :


And came up with an idea of cache-wise backup/restore. I am describing the
steps followed :

1. Let us say an Ignite cluster exists with persistence (Native
persistence) and wal enabled on Kubernetes. I create a cache *a1* and put
*key=a* , *val=oldA* into it.

2. Now I deactivated the cluster, and copied *cache-a1* folder from storage
path of each node in Ignite cluster (keeping track of consistent node ids)
to some disk or s3 bucket and activated the cluster. This step I call as
taking a backup.

3. Now I change value of *key=a* to *val=newA* . If I fetch the *key=a* on
*cache-a1* I will now get *val=newA* .

4. Now I deactivate the cluster again, copy the previously stored
*cache-a1* folder
into the Ignite nodes (making sure I copy correct folder into correct
consistent id node folder) and activate it. This is restore step.

If I fetch *key=a* on *cache-a1* I was hoping to get *val=oldA* . But I get
*val=newA* most times. In some cases I get *val=oldA*.

What is happenning here ?

Is *WAL* bringing cache to latest state (since I am not doing anthing with
wal folder in backup/restore ) ?

Did anyone try cache-wise backup and restore without Gridgain utility ?

Does *gridgain* snapshot utility support cache-wise backup and restore ?

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