
first let me wish you a happy new Year!

I am currently working with replicated and local caches and I observe a
strange behavior in my application. I do not know whether it is related to
my application or to ignite at this point and thus looking for information.

I have a REPLICATED cache that is loaded once and for all and then have a
job running on the partitions and filling in a LOCAL cache.

On one K8S node, it takes 61s but when I add a second node it goes up to
168s for the same amount of work. These number are not significant in itself
but I fail to understand why it would be case. If anything I expected a
speedup since I double the number of cores and consume locally (because
replicated) and put locally (because LOCAL).

Interestingly enough, with one node the CPU is at 100% and with 2 it goes
down to 30% which is usually the sign for IOs.

Could you please:
1)Confirm that my assumption is correct and that reading from a replicated
cache that is not modified after loading and writing to a LOCAL cache should
be pretty linearly scalable to the number of nodes (ignoring the initial
rebalancing of the partitions) 

2) someone tell me if we expect a lot of (technical) messages exchanged
between the nodes in this configuration.

Thanks a lot for your help

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