
I have initially two nodes,
But when i am initiating the compute job(IgniteCompute compute =
ignite.compute()) from server i.e Ignite ignite=Ignition.star("Server.xml")
it is creating a new server node every time and the node is getting
disconnected once the job is done. But the problem with this behaviour, when
node joins data will be rebalanced so that data is evenly distributed across
nodes but when the job completes then this node goes down which means  data
on this node is lost.

This  is the log i when i start  a compute job using

 Topology snapshot [ver=3, locNode=92d08291, servers=3, clients=0,
state=ACTIVE, CPUs=8, offheap=13.0GB, heap=11.0GB]
[13:10:21]   ^-- Baseline [id=0, size=2, online=2, offline=0]

When the job completes execution, i get below

Ignite node stopped OK 

Please let me know whether my understanding is correct.

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