How do we enable the persistence for this atomicLong? My understanding is
that atomicLong or atomicReference can't be persisted.  Even if it can be
persisted, isn't next value reset and started from the initial value.  

My issue is that the cached sequence was removed from Spring bean.  How do I
re-initialize this sequence once the Ignite server node restarted while the
client node was still running.  

The initialization of the sequence is from the client side using
@PostConstruct.  We need a way to re-initialize with the max value from DB
when the ignite server restarted and the client node was connected to the
ignite server.

public void initSequence() {
    Long maxId = userRepository.getMaxId();
    if (maxId == null) { maxId = 0L; }"Max User id: {}", maxId);
    userSeq = igniteInstance.atomicLong("userSeq", maxId, true);

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