
If this is not too much of a slowdown, you can just remove the userSeq
field, and always use "igniteInstance.atomicLong("userSeq", maxId, true)"
in its place, to make sure you always hold a fresh one.

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 28 авг. 2020 г. в 04:47, xmw45688 <xw...@procurant.com>:

> How do we enable the persistence for this atomicLong? My understanding is
> that atomicLong or atomicReference can't be persisted.  Even if it can be
> persisted, isn't next value reset and started from the initial value.
> My issue is that the cached sequence was removed from Spring bean.  How do
> I
> re-initialize this sequence once the Ignite server node restarted while the
> client node was still running.
> The initialization of the sequence is from the client side using
> @PostConstruct.  We need a way to re-initialize with the max value from DB
> when the ignite server restarted and the client node was connected to the
> ignite server.
> @PostConstruct
> @Override
> public void initSequence() {
>     Long maxId = userRepository.getMaxId();
>     if (maxId == null) { maxId = 0L; }
>     LOG.info("Max User id: {}", maxId);
>     userSeq = igniteInstance.atomicLong("userSeq", maxId, true);
>     userSeq.getAndSet(maxId);
> }
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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