
I think you can trigger an async callback when A or any of B is updated.
The callback will process these entries: it will wait some reasonable time
if some entry is still "old". You can use a timestamp on every entry for

If there's a second update on A, you may skip some callbacks.

Ilya Kasnacheev

ср, 16 сент. 2020 г. в 17:57, ssansoy <s.san...@cmcmarkets.com>:

> Are there any other ways we can model this to make this problem easier to
> solve with Ignite (95% of our other caches don't have this requirement, but
> we need to solve the 5% to migrate to ignite from our legacy solution)
> The original thread on this is here btw:
> http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/Parent-Child-relationships-td31605.html
> E.g. Parent A, Child B.
> A contains a list of B's
> If A's fields, or any of it's B's fields are updated, then the client's
> callback is triggered with A and all the B's so the entire structure can be
> processed.
> A and B need to be editable via SQL by human users e.g. be represented as
> table A and table B (one of the main benefits Ignite provides over our
> current legacy system).
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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