
I have a question where I'm currently struggling to find the answer in the Ignite Documentation and hopefully somebody of you can guide me in the right direction.

According to the Ignite DDL Documentation of SQL I'm able upon Table creation to provide a cache name and I have a keyname and valuename property which I can set with for example:

CREATE TABLE Test (a double, b double, c double, res boolean, primary key (a,b,c)) with "CACHE_NAME=Test, Key_type=FOO, Value_type=bar";

Can somebody example me for what purpose key_type and value_Type are used for?

My intention is to use in code the key value cache principle in c++ and later on for complex queries standard sql.

My hope is that the cpp key value based approach looks on the one hand prettier in code than daft long sql statements and performs better.

Is anybody having experience in this matter?

How can I enable sql accessible table in Ignite by using the cpp api without SQL statements?

How would I use this in code. Are there some samples available that I can study?



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