
The key_type and value_type are names of classes which may be put and get
in this cache once you configure serialization properly.

You can use INSERT/Put and SELECT/Get in any combinations.

Please see
https://ignite.apache.org/docs/latest/cpp-specific/cpp-serialization as an
example. You also need to switch to the simple name mapper for platform
interoperability (this is done in ignite.xml).

Ilya Kasnacheev

пт, 13 нояб. 2020 г. в 15:57, Wolfgang Meyerle <

> Hi,
> I have a question where I'm currently struggling to find the answer in
> the Ignite Documentation and hopefully somebody of you can guide me in
> the right direction.
> According to the Ignite DDL Documentation of SQL I'm able upon Table
> creation to provide a cache name and I have a keyname and valuename
> property which I can set with for example:
> CREATE TABLE Test (a double, b double, c double, res boolean, primary
> key (a,b,c)) with "CACHE_NAME=Test, Key_type=FOO, Value_type=bar";
> Can somebody example me for what purpose key_type and value_Type are
> used for?
> My intention is to use in code the key value cache principle in c++ and
> later on for complex queries standard sql.
> My hope is that the cpp key value based approach looks on the one hand
> prettier in code than daft long sql statements and performs better.
> Is anybody having experience in this matter?
> How can I enable sql accessible table in Ignite by using the cpp api
> without SQL statements?
> How would I use this in code. Are there some samples available that I
> can study?
> Reagards,
> Wolfgang

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