

I don’t think that ignite support this out of the box, cause data replication is something beyond the default distribution. The usage depends on how your data is replicated, whether you want active-active synchronization, and so on.


But if it’s about switching from one cluster to another, and always using a single cluster at a time, something like dynamic DNS

or a custom load balancer should work here. I.e. you can configure your consumers to access domain my.cluster.com that resolves to the primary cluster, IP= When you want to switch the load, you can adjust your DNS to resolve the name

to, say, IP= which means the secondary one. This approach has some drawbacks but is quite simple to use and straightforward.


From: Naveen
Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2020 2:47 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Implementing HA among Ignite Clusters


Hi All


We have 2 clusters (Primary and secondary)  running and both are always in

sync from data perspective.

Always consumers are using Primary only, but when primary is not reachable,

it should get redirected to secondary cluster How can this be achieved ?


1. Can we do anything on the cluster side which will take care of this, like

with config changes on the primary cluster like changing the connecton

string etc.

Like some of the messaging products uses connection URLs like


something like this, if server1 is not reachable, it will get routed to


Somehing like this can be done here ?

2. DOing this from consumer side only, as and when they get exceptions like

disconnect etc, try connecting it to secondary and vice versa


What are the options we have for this scenario








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