Hello everyone,

I'm new to the community and fairly new to Apache Ignite. I have a question
for which I couldn't find a confirmation if it's possible or not.

I have a use case where I need to persist a certain POJO to an ignite
cluster. The POJO can not be changed, so adding @SqlQueryField to it's
fields is not possible. Creating a data transfer object is an option, but I
think adding mapping from/to the actual POJO will result in too much
overhead, since performance requirements are really high.

For now I'm using ScanQuery, but I could not find a way to sort the result
based on a field value. So my main question is if it's possible and if not,
what other options are there because the amount of data in question is too
much for sorting on client side.

If I take the SQL approach and introduce the mapping overhead between the
DTO and POJO can I achieve server-side sorting on multiple nodes, keeping
in mind that we'll have 1 table with a huge amount of data for writing and
Co-location if I understand correctly is ensuring all related data is on
the same nodes, but in our case we have a single POJO which I would like
it's data to be separated on different nodes for performance.

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