Note that this is not happening with all the data set but only for cache
entries which were written into ignite before server restart and tried to
be deleted after restart.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 10:18 PM Sumit Deshinge <>

> Hi,
> I am using ignite with native persistence enabled along with cache write
> sync mode as FULL_SYNC and cache rebalance mode as sync.
> In normal workflow where there is no restart, I can see all data is being
> written, read and deleted from cache successfully.
> But in case of ignite server restart, where some of the data is written
> before restart, for the same set of data after restart, ignite is able to
> read that data but not able to remove it from the cache.
> I verified the hashcode and equals for the key I am using for remove and
> the one in ignite is same.
> But still remove operation does not actually remove data from cache.
> Checked what's the result of contains operation and it gives false.
> This is observed only in case of restart. I can see there are warning as
> below after restart but I expect ignite just gives these warnings before it
> recovers :
> - Ignite node stopped in the middle of checkpoint. Will restore memory
> state and finish checkpoint on node start.
> - Started cache in recovery mode ....
> - Finished recovery for cache ....
> Any idea or configuration that needs to be done during such case ?
> --
> Regards,
> Sumit Deshinge

Sumit Deshinge

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