
before trying out loading the stories by URL, I tried something inspired by
the answer on SO. And indeed, that did the trick. In OSGi environments you
should avoid the ThreadContext Classloader. So all I did was this:

embedder.configuration().useStoryLoader(new LoadFromClasspath(this.

And now it works :) Thanks for your support!


2013/4/15 Andreas Ebbert-Karroum <andreas.ebbert-karr...@codecentric.de>

> Great idea. Will try local file URL tomorrow! Thanks!
> --
> Andreas Ebbert-Karroum (mobil)
> Am 15.04.2013 22:13 schrieb "Mauro Talevi" <mauro.tal...@aquilonia.org>:
>  Hi,
>> if you're having trouble using the classloader to find resources, why not
>> use other means, e.g. URL, either on local filesystem or remote?
>> Classloading is the most common but not the only way to find the stories:
>> http://jbehave.org/reference/stable/locating-stories.html
>> Cheers
>> On 15/04/2013 21:36, Andreas Ebbert-Karroum wrote:
>> Hi Mauro,
>> I've posted more details on Stackoverflow:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16019502/classloader-finds-resource-only-in-specific-threads
>> While further investigating the issue I came to the conclusion that
>> jbehave-osgi would not help solving the problem we're having right now.
>> Maybe it can be extended to do so.
>> --
>> Andreas Ebbert-Karroum (mobil)
>> Am 15.04.2013 21:25 schrieb "Mauro Talevi" <mauro.tal...@aquilonia.org>:
>>>  Hi Andreas,
>>> please use JIRA http://jira.codehaus.org to raise issues and not
>>> Github, which is only used for source repo replication.
>>> As for compatibility with previous versions of OSGi, you could consider
>>> writing your own implementation of ResourceLoader or StoryLoader.
>>> Cheers
>>> On 15/04/2013 14:44, Andreas Ebbert-Karroum wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>  I'd like to use JBehave in combination with Rational Functional
>>> Tester. So far, we did not use the jbehave-osgi library [1]. Even without
>>> the library, most things work. Our major pain at the moment is, that
>>> givenStories don't work, because the ContextLoader cannot find the
>>> resources for story files, when it's accessed from the ExecutorService.
>>>  We hope that we can eliminate that problem with the jbehave-osgi
>>> library. But, that library requires OSGi 4.3, while RFT is based on Eclipse
>>> with Osgi 3.6.2. So before we invest time trying to make the jbehave-osgi
>>> library work with OSGi 3.6.2, I'd love to hear a quick opinion
>>>  * if the above described problem can potentially be solved by using
>>> the jbehave-osgi library
>>> * if you have any idea what it takes to make the jbehave-osgi library
>>> compatible with an older OSGi version. (I already raised an issue for that
>>> [2])
>>>  [1] https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-osgi
>>> [2] https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-osgi/issues/1
>>>  --
>>> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

*Event: Bald findet das erste Agile Code Camp 2013 statt. Jetzt anmelden
unter: www.agilecodecamp.de*

Andreas Ebbert-Karroum | Agile Principal Consultant

codecentric AG | Merscheider Straße 1 | 42699 Solingen | Deutschland
tel: +49 (0) 212.23362825 | fax: +49 (0) 212.23362879 | mobil: +49 (0)
www.codecentric.de | blog.codecentric.de | www.meettheexperts.de |

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Vorstand: Klaus Jäger (Vorsitzender) | Mirko Novakovic . Rainer Vehns
Aufsichtsrat: Patric Fedlmeier (Vorsitzender) . Bernd Klinkmann . Jürgen

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