Thanks for the replies.  Apologies for the n00b questions that follow…from what 
I've read, is my understanding below correct:

  *   Pom.xml is used by mvm to download the necessary jclouds binaries?
        *   Mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
     *   Maybe it’s just is an mvn / java ‘preference’ (which I don’t have a 
lot of experience with) but there doesn't seem to be consistency in the 
examples for how this should 'run'.
        *   The compute basics example:
        *   Says to run mvn install and then java -jar … and never mentions 
running mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
        *   The Azure ARM example:
        *   Says to run mvn -DTest … DTest isn’t in the Maven documentation:
           *   Why would mvn install be needed in the compute basics but not 
the Azure ARM example?
  *   Once Pom.xml is ‘processed’ by mvn, I can build a .jar file that uses the 
jclouds API’s?
        *   Java -jar …
     *   Again, maybe this is just an mvn / Java preference but why doesn’t the 
Azure ARM example show this?  Instead it just shows mvn

Thank you,

Teo De Las Heras

-----Original Message-----
From: Ignasi Barrera []
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2016 4:58 PM
Cc: Teo De Las Heras <>
Subject: Re: Example end-to-end walkthrough?

Trying to understand the compute basics examples is one of the better ways to 
get started with jclouds.

There are two different Azure providers in jclouds:

* The "azurecompute" one uses the old Azure API.

* The "azurecompute-arm" uses the new ARM API.

You'll need to add the "org.apache.jclouds.labs/azurecompute" or 
"org.apache.jclouds.labs/azurecompute-arm" dependencies to your project in 
order to use them.

In the README for the azurecompute-arm provider you will find the instructions 
to create an Application in your subscription for


You might also find the following talks useful:

(audio recording for the talk) (simple source code for the demo)



On 23 December 2016 at 20:20, Andrew Phillips 
<<>> wrote:

> Hi Teo


> The jclouds-examples repo [1] may help - I don't think it has an

> Azure-specific example at present, but the general "compute-basics"

> app should hopefully give a better idea of how the end-to-end flow

> might look

> like:



> /src/main/java/org/jclouds/examples/compute/basics/


> It uses the jclouds' compute abstraction, but should also work with

> the Azure providers.


> Of course, suggestions and/or PRs for ways we can improve the initial

> "how does this all fit together?" documentation are also much

> appreciated - definitely things we can do there.


> Regards


> ap


> [1]

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