Thanks.  I got the same suggestion from the team that created the ARM project.  
I’ve almost got it running.  How would I figure out what parameters are needed 
/ what can be overwritten?  Not sure how I would have known to use 
-Dazurecompute-arm.endpoint.  I see it in the azurecompute-arm project but it’s 
not clearly spelled out that it should be added when calling the compute 
service API.

Another question on getting the project to run.  I’m getting errors below about 
not finding images in default storage account and machine not found.  I think I 
probably need to modify the code in the MainApp.Java, yes?
Based on what I’m reading here, , I 
think I should modify the templateBuilder object to get around the errors 
below?  Just not sure what to enter.  For example, how do I override the 
default location which seems to be eastasia?    The azurecompute-arm project 
says I can do jclouds.regions="northeurope" but not sure where to put that.

My questions on the errors:
-could not get custom images from storage account
>Why is it looking for a custom image and why in my storage account / 
>container?  I’m guessing this is part of the ARM project but not sure how to 
>override this?  templateBuilder still?

-image with id 
 for virtualmachine 
 was not found
>CentOSVM is a machine I created long ago.  Not sure why it’s looking for it or 
>trying to do anything with it.

-Multiple entries with same key
>Not sure what this means.  The only time I’ve seen key mentioned in the 
>documentation is in relation to SSH keys.

< could not get custom images from storage account 
 name=azuredemosdisks998, location=eastus, tags={}, 
creationTime=Thu Nov 03 07:33:34 EDT 2016, 
primaryLocation=eastus, provisioningState=Succeeded, secondaryEndpoints=null, 
secondaryLocation=null, statusOfPrimary=Available, statusOfSecondary=null}}: 
request: HEAD 
HTTP/1.1 failed with response: HTTP/1.1 403 Server failed to authenticate the 
request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly 
including the signature.
<<   matched image(eastasia/Canonical/UbuntuServer/14.04.5-LTS) 
hardware(Standard_A0) location(eastasia)
>> running 1 node group(myvmlabel) location(eastasia) 
>> image(eastasia/Canonical/UbuntuServer/14.04.5-LTS) 
>> hardwareProfile(Standard_A0) options({scriptPresent=true})
>> image with id 
>> /subscriptions/fed7f475-6055-4e3c-8529-c1345df70589/resourceGroups/Azure_Demos/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/CentOSVM
>>  for virtualmachine 
>> /subscriptions/fed7f475-6055-4e3c-8529-c1345df70589/resourceGroups/Azure_Demos/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/CentOSVM
>>  was not found. This might be because the image that was used to create the 
>> virtualmachine has a new id.
error: Multiple entries with same key: Standard_A0={id=Standard_A0, 
providerId=Standard_A0, name=Standard_A0, location={scope=REGION, 
id=southeastasia, description=Southeast Asia, parent=azurecompute-arm, 
iso3166Codes=[SG]}, processors=[{cores=1.0, speed=2.0}], ram=768, 
volumes=[{type=LOCAL, size=20480.0, bootDevice=false, durable=false}, 
{type=LOCAL, size=1047552.0, bootDevice=false, durable=false}], 
supportsImage=ALWAYS_TRUE, userMetadata={maxDataDiskCount=1}} and 
Standard_A0={id=Standard_A0, providerId=Standard_A0, name=Standard_A0, 
location={scope=REGION, id=eastasia, description=East Asia, 
parent=azurecompute-arm, iso3166Codes=[HK]}, processors=[{cores=1.0, 
speed=2.0}], ram=768, volumes=[{type=LOCAL, size=20480.0, bootDevice=false, 
durable=false}, {type=LOCAL, size=1047552.0, bootDevice=false, durable=false}], 
supportsImage=ALWAYS_TRUE, userMetadata={maxDataDiskCount=1}}

From: Ignasi Barrera []
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2017 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: Example end-to-end walkthrough?

Good to see you progressed!

You're almost there. The error you are getting is because the Azure ARM 
provider needs some additional configuration properties.

As you might have already seen, when creating the jclouds context you can pass 
a set of configuration properties. This is done here [1] in the compute-basics 
example app, but jclouds also loads them from the system properties. You could 
use this to pass the additional properties when executing the jar file.

The additional properties you need to set are:

* azurecompute-arm.endpoint (because the endpoint is not fixed as it contains 
the subscription id).
* oauth.endpoint (because it is not fixed as it contains the tenant id).

You can follow the steps described in the Azure ARM README [2] to create an 
application you can use for jclouds. Once you have it, you should be able to 
run the examples with a command similar to:

-Doauth.endpoint="<Tenant-id>/oauth2/token" \
    -jar target/compute-basics-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    azurecompute-arm <Application-Id> <Password> mygroup add


P.S. If you want to contribute or help improve the jclouds site, you can have a 
look at our "How to contribute documentation" guide [3]. Also, it would be 
great if you could add, once you manage to run the examples with Azure, the 
example command to the compute-basics README [4]. That will help other future 


On 6 January 2017 at 23:42, Teo De Las Heras 
<<>> wrote:
I'm getting an error (below) and following up with the creators of the 
azurecompute-arm libraries.

Documentation feedback: I'd be happy to write up / contribute a 'jclouds for 
dummies' page.  I'm sure it's easy for someone who understands or works with 
Maven / Java projects.  Without that background, it's hard to decipher how all 
the pieces work together.  Or maybe some additional links to relevant Maven 
documentation that explains what mvn install does, what pom.xml is for, how to 
add dependencies (to use jclouds-labs).

Error I'm getting:
java -jar target/compute-basics-jar-with-dependencies.jar azurecompute-arm <my 
application id> <mypassword> mygroup add
>> initializing {id=azurecompute-arm, name=Microsoft Azure Resource Manager 
>> REST API, views=[org.jclouds.compute.ComputeServiceContext], 
>> endpointName=Resource Manager Endpoint ending in your Subscription Id, 
>> identityName=Azure Service Principal Application Id, 
>> credentialName=Optional.of(Azure Service Principal Application Password), 
>> documentation=, 
>> api=interface org.jclouds.azurecompute.arm.AzureComputeApi}
Exception in thread "main" Guice creation 

1) No implementation for java.lang.String annotated with was bound.
  at org.jclouds.oauth.v2.config.OAuthModule.oauthEndpoint(

1 error
        at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.buildInjector(
        at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.buildInjector(
        at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.buildView(
        at org.jclouds.ContextBuilder.buildView(
        at org.jclouds.examples.compute.basics.MainApp.main(


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Phillips 
Sent: Friday, January 6, 2017 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Example end-to-end walkthrough?
> I was completely confused by being directed to the github for the
> azurecompute-arm as I thought that was an example I should be
> following.

Thanks for the update! Are things working now, or is there still something 
that's not doing what it should?

Also, do you have any thoughts on what we could do to make the documentation 


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