On May 28, 2013, at 9:12 PM, Becca Wood wrote:

Hi everyone,

There are currently several conversations going on about docs,

The only conversation that I think is *currently* on-going is "Where we host 
non-wiki documentation". Personally, I think it's going well and has been 

and the statements from some folks are blindsiding me as I read from thread to 

I'm not going to speculate as to what you mean here. There has been a lot of 
doc discussion in the past few weeks but it's been mostly resolved apart from 
the discussion above.

It would be great to have a discussion around what everyone does not like about 
the current docs process and why and how it should be changed.

I think this is moving forward in the discussion "Where we host non-wiki 
documentation" but I may have missed something.

It would also be good to address the aesthetic and navigability of the website.

I suspect this has to do with my comment about the L&F of 
jclouds.org<http://jclouds.org>. My apologies, I should have started that as an 
entirely separate thread rather than mixing it into "Where we host non-wiki 
documentation". Lesson learned.

I should have been more specific. Here are some of my thoughts in no particular 

1. jclouds.org<http://jclouds.org> is very static. We have a very vibrant 
community w.r.t. releases, issues, blog posts, mailing lists, Twitter, and 
GitHub. This could be reflected in 
jclouds.apache.org<http://jclouds.apache.org> with Javascript. All of it may or 
may not be appropriate but let's show the world that we're constantly improving 
jclouds and it's a thriving project.

2. Tiny grey text on grey background is difficult to read. I avoid showing it 
during presentations because of this.

3. http://www.jclouds.org/news/ is broken.

4. I confess to an element of Bootstrap is the new hotness but when you stack 
jclouds.org<http://jclouds.org> side-by-side with http://shiro.apache.org/ or 
even http://lucene.apache.org/ we are less engaging.

5. http://www.jclouds.org/documentation/community/ is links only, no text at 

I am not laying this at the feet of anyone. All of us are responsible for the 
state of jclouds documentation. It isn't going to be an overnight fix.

Since I am responsible for a good deal of the current docs process on GitHub 
and the way the current website looks, it would be great to get some feedback 
on the strengths and weaknesses of both.

The aim of this discussion is to help us collect our thoughts in one place and 
create a more solid and contributor friendly process moving forward.

I don't want to be a hinderance or the single point of failure in our docs 
process, so if anyone is confused or has concerns about the current process, 
please let me know.

I appreciate this. You're not a hinderance or a SPOF. In Apache every single 
one of us are as responsible for doc as you are. It's certainly your area of 
expertise but all of the other committers share equally in the responsibility 
to make jclouds doc great.


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