Here's a bit of info on difference between linux and windows with
regard to JVM that "might" explain the performance difference.

Getting currentTimeMillis and nano time has a higher overhead on linux
versus windows. For things like stress testing and benchmark tools
like JMeter, getting time is a significant part of the application.
>From first hand experience, it can be as little as 2% or as high as
10% depending on how often your code gets time from the system. The
bigger difference is CPU usage. I have seen linux take considerably
more CPU resources when I run benchmarks on apps using unit tests,
jmeter or other stress testing tools that frequently get time.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Deepak Goel <> wrote:
> Hey
> Looking at your configuration, here is  a possible theory...
> Sun Microsystem (Sun JDK) was eaten by Oracle which runs on WINTEL
> platforms so the performance of SUN JDK is optimized on INTEL
> platforms. OpenJDK is meant for Linux platforms a late entry for INTEL
> into this game and hence low performance and high CPU peaks...
> Deepak
> On 12/14/11, Toni Menendez Lopez <> wrote:
>> My loadserver is running in this server,
>> Hardware :
>> Proliant BL460C G1
>> 2xIntel Xeon @2,53Ghz (quad)
>> 32 GB of memory
>> O.S :
>> RHEL5.4(Tikanga)
>> I don´t have stats about that but I will collect in few days that I
>> will have again the server available, but my impression is that JMeter
>> is taking much more CPU with OpenJDK and is doing lots of big peaks,
>> seems problems with GC.
>> But I will analyze it later, when my actual testing finished.
>> Toni.
>> 2011/12/13, Deepak Goel <>:
>>> Hey
>>> Looks like an evolution and quality problem..Sun JDK more evolved v/s
>>> OpenJDK
>>> What is the hardware? What is the performance difference? Stats please...
>>> Deepak
>>> On 12/13/11, Toni Menendez Lopez <> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I want to ask all of you on question !
>>>> I am normally working with SunJDK for Jmeter and running in non-gui
>>>> mode, but now I want to migrate the openJDK ( OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
>>>> (build 1.6.0-b09, mixed mode)).
>>>> I have executed the same test in SunJDK and OpenJDK and I have
>>>> experienced that Jmeter has worst performance sending the traffic with
>>>> OPenJDK that with SunJDK.
>>>> Any of you have got some similar experience ?
>>>> My O.S is RHEL5.4
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Toni.
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> Namaskara~Nalama~Guten Tag~Bonjour
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> Keigu
> Deepak
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