Note that \w == [a-zA-Z_0-9], i.e. it does not include hyphen.

On 16 November 2017 at 07:56, Felix Schumacher
<> wrote:
> Am 13. November 2017 08:17:42 MEZ schrieb Vamsi Krishna Maddali 
> <>:
>>Hi All,
>>Required your help in resloving below issue:
>>Issue:Unable to capture the authenticate?code value which is generated
>>while logging in to a webpage, authenticate?code value which is being
>>generated is a dynamic value and not following a unique pattarn as in a
>>regular expression kind.
>>What i am trying to do here is capturing the authenticate?code value
>>into a variable named “token” by using the “Regular Expression
>>Extractor” and use that variable in the login script which is used to
>>access the webpage. But the authenticate?code is not being captured in
>>the script and i am not able to use in the login script.
>>My guess is that the Regular Expression Extractor which i am using may
>>not be the correct one, so couldn't capture the authenticate?code value
>>Can anyone help me in finding a soluion or any other method to handel
>>this situation.
>>Below is the HTML tag in webpage:
>><form id="kc-form-login" class=""
> The token seems to consist of the characters a to z, A to Z, digits, dash and 
> underscore. You can combine those characters into one character class using 
> [a-zA-Z0-9_-] for usage in a regex.
> This an be used to extract the token using a regex like
> code=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)
> The character class could probably be shortened to
> [\w\d]
> Or written as a blacklist
> [^;&\s#"']
> Regards,
> Felix
>>in the below , we are trying to capture
>>“authenticate?code=u22yiDCDtV-jm3_1w2NP6HykFCTtePlgADFhFa17U3s” value
>>and need to send as a parameter in next “Sample Controller”.
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